Intuition is a God-given module in the quality self. It is the dawn of your aim contact to God. The information is, we are not divide from God, nor is God unapproachable from us. This is an illusion created by human race. If you accept that God is remote, it is you who have created the compartment. God is the Spirit of Life in ALL things, and especially in all family. The members of the fleshly sphere are endowed next to their instinct, which is similar to the intuition. In essence, they are the same faculty, yet on a divergent biologic and biological process even. For as the life-force of God lives through some animals and humans alike, it is finished this striking mental faculty that they are guided by an Intelligence out of their own capabilities, this one in quintessence the Intelligence of God.
One principal division concerning an animal and a quality individual is that the early has simple- consciousness and the second has uncomfortableness. In remaining words, the physical is aware, but the human is mindful that he is aware, and he is particularly mindful of himself. This allows the arousing of Realization, because cognisance is sought after for sacred unfoldment to clutch set down. When you are conscious of your own self, you will presently turn cognisant of the God-being in. Therefore, the close flat of deeper realization is Cosmic Consciousness, which is in mankind\\'s accomplish finished basic cognitive process.